Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday Moms In Touch Meeting and my number one son

Well today was quite different than last Thursdays meeting. My little one stayed home with his dad and I got to go to the prayer meeting by myself, which made for a less exciting, but more focused morning for prayer. There were two other moms besides me today and it was so nice to hear one of the moms pray for her son and in her prayer she described his personality and it was very similar to my son's personality. My oldest is such a sweet spirited person. The best person I know really. I say that without any prejudice as his mother. Looking at him as a person in his own right, he really is the best person I know. Genuinely forgiving in the way that God wants us to be, it really blows my mind to think about it. I have never known anyone that way. He doesn't think or function in a selfish manner. He would give you the shirt off his back. I have worried that his good heart would get him into trouble, or just broken hearted. Both have happened to some degree. It kills me. So I have, quite a few times, tried to "toughen" him up. I have tried to get him to think more suspiciously of people and their intentions or not be so "gullible".  I have felt though, in my heart that I am not doing him any favors, by trying to change who God has created him to be. So now I am learning a little more everyday to give him to God in prayer and encourage his wonderful qualities and attributes. They are what God wants the rest of us to be. I can't really remember the last time I forgave someone without still carrying the effects of their wrong with me in some way, allowing it to affect the way I treat them or others after I have "forgiven", can you? I have seen my son do this repeatedly. It is truly one of the genuinely humble things I have seen. I am by no means saying he is perfect. He still fights with his brother and sister and has on occasion tried to lie to get, or keep himself from getting into trouble, but to know him is to have a personal picture of the type of person God wants us to be. Forgiving, loving, selfless, humble are just a few of the attributes of my son. So I prayed for him today and I will continue to do so with these other moms, that he will continue to be this person he has been created to be and that he will not be "conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of his mind..." (paraphrased from Romans 12:2) to the will and desires of his heavenly Father. And that I against my worldly instincts will encourage him to continue to be those things.

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